General Information


School buses are provided on different routes to pick and drop the children from various destinations.


It is obligatory to all students to wear school uniform modestly and neatly on school days and at official school functions. Unless otherwise indicated they should wear the prescribed special uniform on the day specified.


80 % of attendance is a must for promotion to the next class. No leave of absence will be granted for part of working day except under very special circumstance. Presence on the opening and closing days of a term is compulsory. A pupil absenting herself from school for 15 days continuously without permission, will be terminated. She will not be re-admitted.


8.53 AM TO 3.50 PM. School timings should be strictly adhered to.


8.30am t0 4.30 pm


Fee is collected in the school office from 9 am to 12 noon. Fees to be paid in 3 installments. Ist installment : before 15th June. 2nd installment: before 15th August. 3rd installment: before 15th December. For HSS students fees can be paid through SBI. FEES ONCE PAID IS NOT REFUNDABLE.


Parents are requested not to take their children home during working hours for simple reasons. For an important reason they can send letter of explanation and identity card through a responsible person and a gate pass should be obtained from the office. Parents should not entrust big amount of money with their ward. Parents must encourage their children to take part in the co-curricular and extra curricular activities of the school. Parents are requested to co-operate in the working of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and taking interest in their children’s progress. They should check the diary for remarks and make a note of the assignments.


2.30 TO 3.30 PM


  • School timings should be strictly adhered to. Late comers should enter the class only after the permission of the Principal.
  • Only English should be spoken within the school premises.
  • Except on rainy days, students should come in full uniform.
  • Pupils should keep the classroom and the school premises absolutely clean.
  • No pupil should leave the school premises during the school hours without the Principal’s consent.
  • Every pupil must have a copy of the school diary which should be brought to school every day.
  • Pupils should bring only the necessary text books and note books according to the time table.
  • Any correspondence addressed to pupils at school is subjected to inspection.
  • Gate Pass: Parents / Guardians are expected to produce the gate pass while coming in / going out of the school premises.
  • A candidate who seeks admission must appear for an entrance test.
  • Every pupil must take part in the school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.
  • Every pupil must take part in the school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.